Tilo Dedinski Vorderladerwaffenbau
Home Tilo Dedinski Vorderladerwaffenbau
underhammer rifles, underhammer pistols

     Tilo Dedinski Vorderladerwaffenbau - Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

What´s so special about "Tilo Dedinski Vorderladerwaffenbau"?

  • hand-made craftsmanship of exceptional quality, made in Germany
  • totally accurate shooting, functionality and durablity are guaranteed
  • weapons designed and produced to suit your personal wishes (fitting gun-stock and suitable grips, can be chosen from walnut or specialised wood, engraving and
    gold-inlays etc.)
  • in addition to the above, I am able to assist you in your choice of weapon, due my long years of experience


How do I get the suitable individual gun-stock and grips?

Please send me a drawing of your hand drawing of your hand. After downloading this page, you will see precise instructions.
You can contact me via e-mail to measure the fitting for the length of stock.


Contact: only by e-mail

Unfortunately, my English skills are not too good. However, I have my mails translated by a native English bi-lingual speaker. If necessary, I can call you together with a translator. In this case, we can arrange an appointment via e-mail due to the time difference.


For more information check page contact

Tilo Dedinski


Copyright © 2004 - by Tilo Dedinski